Selasa, 21 Maret 2017


Diposting oleh amalia novi di 08.19 0 komentar

thanks for loving me!
for come to my life, makes me feel happy and precious.
you and your family always made my day soooooooooooo perfect.
when your father give me a jokes and you give me a lots of love.
that moment when you spend your time just for me, and I feel that's time isn't  enough for me :(
I think, I know you better than myself.
just because we cant be together in this time, doesn't mean  
we can't be best friends, right?

lebay sih ini, tapi lagi seneng!! sesuatu yang kecil tapi bisa bikin bahagia banget, mungkin banyak yang bakal ngerasa biasa aja . Hehe bododeh

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